blog ini mengisahkan 5 org sekawan yang memang giler2 and happy sentiase..mereka adalah: bun,reza,luke,fadh n capix.. Always Together
Monday, February 23, 2009
the funeral of hearts [him] >bun
Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom
The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you
She was the sun
Shining upon
The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
He was the moon
Painting you
With it's glow so vulnerable and pale
Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom
The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you
She was the wind, carrying in
All the troubles and fears you for years tried to forget
He was the fire, restless and wild
And you were like a moth to that flame
The heretic seal beyond divine
a prayer to a god who's deaf and blind
The last rites for souls on fire
Three little words and a question -why?
Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom
The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you....
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A very happy weekend!! >LUKE
1) Ferringhi
2) Taman Rimba
3) Gig kt Weld Quay
4) Makan2 besar kt umh Fiza (Baling)
5) Kolam Air Panas Ulu Legong
6) Jalan2 round area seberang prai dpd kul4 petang smpi kul9 mlm..
Ktorg naik kete kancil...
Sewa start 6pm sabtu smpi 9pm ahad...
aku yg drive..
Honey jadik co-pilot..
Baby n Darling dok blakang dendiam lah!
Honey, Darling, Baby, N sume kengkawan aku, THANX 4 MAKING MY DAY!
Korang memang kawanan kengkawan yg best!!!
Sorry for being late in spending precious moments with u guys!!
aku dh x bz dh skg..
so dh bleyh slalu kua..
ajak r aku lg bile nk ke mane2..
Again, Thanx!!
Luv u guys!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
kalo cinta yg dilahirkan atas dasar nk memperdayakan org laen..ape mkne suma ne?peluru 2 membunuh...kalo cinta dilahirkan atas dasar nk menghancurkan org laen?? aku rse aku dah penah alami nyer...aku serik gakk..hadir sowg manusia ne..ketuk pintu hatiku melalui alam maya...aku xpnah berjumpa dgnye..xnah bersua muka...melahirkan rsa cinta pada aku..wlaupun sekjap sja,apa yg aku ckp in the bullet..cepat n menghancurkan...aku serik lg....aku serik bercinta....aku kecewa dgn hdup aku....mujur aku ade membe2 aku....pd awek2 atau lebih tepat lg bini2 kepada membe aku ne [riza,fad,luke,capix] "HARGAILAH MEREKA!!!!!"mereka ne,aku kenal sgt,luar dlm hati mereka...kalo korg [awek2] dowg xpcaya akan ketulusan cnta mereka ne..aku pon cop korg "LOVE IN THE BULLET"..ape2 pon...
hidup mesti diteruskan...perjuangan masih jauh...cuti khas bakal aku dpat...n aku akan berubah 180 drjah.....aku akan kejar blik pointer aku!!!!!!n...utk fahdilah....
"hidup ne umpana kaca dmana retak kalo disalah pegang,
pecah kalo terjatuh..
berguna kalo dpt digunakan sebaiknya...
ubahla sikap....
jd lah manusia..bukan peluru yg menghancurkan hati lg....
syg..berhentilah menipu ibumu...
bgtaw perkara sbenar...
moga hdup mu kekal bhgia....
dilamin [16-11-08 - 21-02-09]
selamat tinggal selamanya.....
terakhir kalinye.....
kepada awek2 membe aku......
"Allah ne hanya mengurniakan perasaan cinta kepada hambanya,tatkala hambanya meminta kepadanya...kdg2 ia dtg sebgai ujian menguji keimanan kita sebagai hambanya..
kepercayaan itu penting dlm hubgan percintaan...
hargailah kwn2 membe aku...
jgn bg nasib dowg jd cm aku...tolak ansur la...
cmburu pekara biasa dlm percintaan..
yg penting!!!!
Kami The Legend > Capix
HOW do you define life? Life for me is nothing but a story of a foolish man in his own world. His dream, his fantasy, his pride and all the things that he bears during this short period of time. The happiness, and all the sad time he when through, just to find the true meaning of ‘Life’.
Born in an average family, he was fool enough to think that this happiness will last forever. At the middle of 12, he was sent a from home, thrown to an unknown village, when it was the time for him to need love from his parents the most. In that village he grew up to be a man, a man that defines life as something that is nothing without the ability to depend on yourself.
When he was 18, he was sent back home. 5 years sharpening his senses, learning the ability to survive, he returned home with joy, the joy that was hidden too far in his heart that he burst to tears. He truly misses the love from his mother, the one that will forever be in his heart.
However, the happiness does not last long. His man’s instinct was called by the world who was seeking the man won bears pride and arrogance in their eyes. He was unable to choose as his pride values more than the love from his mother. With a great sorrow and hesitation, again, he left home.
He was full of anger. He blamed the fate for bringing him to this world of war. What does this war and the need of ‘conserving peace’ of this country does anything with his life? Is it worthy to sacrifice for this unacceptable purpose? The question keep ringing in his ears.
“Wake up dude, you’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up,”
I opened my eyes. A good looking guy standing there besides me showing a big grin.
“Oh come on, give me a break,” I replied as I rolled my blanket around me.
“Better wake up fast, you don’t want to mess up with ‘Tiger’,”
“Oh shit!!! Come on, Joe, why don’t you tell me earlier???”
I rushed into my clothes as fast as I could. I was camped here, in a Military Camp in the middle of nowhere. Here I met a few peoples that were called friends, the one who I can give trust into. The guys that were called ‘Companion’.
“Soldiers!!! I want to everyone to be in line within five minutes, do you copy me?”
“Sir, Yes, Sir!!!”
There goes our squad leader. Despite his seriousness, he’s a piece of crap actually. That guy can really make the whole squad laugh with his silly jokes. By the way, he’s Fad. A sudden smack in my butt woke me up from my dreams.
“DAMN!!! Stop it Luke!!!”
Already knowing the bad habit of this fuller, I turn away quickly to find Joe and Luke, my other companion already in their uniform.
“Move faster sleepy-head, we got business to do,” said Luke.
“Oh, as if I’m scared with that Tiger?” I replied while trying to fasten the shoe lace of my boot.
“You better do or you’ll know what’s the result of defying him,” said Joe with a stern look.
Just remembering his face already gives me the shivers. That guy can REALLY do anything to his squad. Few guys already get unlucky enough to get screamed by him in front of their face. No wonder this whole camp called him the ‘Tiger’.
“Attention!!!” screamed Fad. The whole squad straighten their position as Tiger walks to the front of the line. Fad went on with the report to Tiger. As Tiger step up he took a deep breath.
“Good morning, squad,”
“GOOD MORNING SIR!!!” the whole squad responded quickly.
“Today, I’ve just received a call straight from the top. The time has come. You guys are flying this evening,”
“HOORAYYY!!!” The whole squad screamed with joy. Finally we are flying tonight. It was a tiring wait. At last. France, here I come.
Friday, February 20, 2009
AKU > Reza
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Langkawi Yeah!!! > LUKE
1st day... Sampai2 tu trus p shopping... Baju cantek2 n murah2 beb..
yg cm aku pakai pn ade... Bubu crik topi utk MPG hotel.. ktorg sume ltih gile mgikut die.. shoping mgalahkn pompuan!! heheh!! Last2 die cme jmpe muffler j.. kaler putih... lawa gak laa... tp aku x minat nk pki mnatang tuh kt mesia yg panas ni.. heheh!!
Anis yg drive ktorg mrayap kesana kemari... Hehehe... Die kn ade 3 kete kt sne.. Mini Cooper, Citra, n Satria Neo.. die bwk yg Neo tuh... Senang bwk auto katenye.. Die bwk sgt laju! Sampai kantoi kt roadblock sbb sume pn x pakai seatbelt haha!! Tp polis x tahan coz ade sticker polis kt windshield die.. (ayah bliau polis pangkat besa.. so ktorg dok umh dia 2 kt banglo krajaan utk polis laa..) sgguh bias tahu!!
Then lpas Asar balik solat, makan, mandi ape sume.. sembang2 jap ngn family Anis..rehat2 jap, then lpas maghrib ktorg p pasa malam.. crik ole2 nk bwk ke umh mak sdare mila yg ktorg akn ziarahi slpas tuh.. mila n anis beli apam balik.. bubu beli kuih ape tah yg kelape2 tu.. aku lak? hehe.. jgn sangke aku kdekut gile! Aku beli durian!!
hahaha!! tp mila kate durian tuh mkn sndri laa.. xyah bwk trun nnti..
dlm kul8 start pjalanan ke umh mak sdare mila.. dkat ngn airport.. skejap j... kate anis dgn banggenye.. tp aku rse ade sejam gakla... sbb dh tbabas jauh! kate ayah sdare mila pule dgn dsambut gelak ketawa riangria anak2 bliau.. hahaha!!
Kami d blanje mkn ikan bakar, kari ikan, ulam2an, n sambal blacan yg TERRBAEKK..
huh! smpi mgalir air mate aku mkn smbal tuh..sdap sgt! Lpas tu sembang2, tnye kt dorg port bik utk mandimanda n shopping..
dorg pn cite sume smpi aku jdik x igt 1 pon yg dorg ckp! hehehe..
dlm kul10 lbih kot, gerak ke PANTAI CENANG utk mkn mkn durian yg aku bli n tgk org wt projek!(anis yg ckp)
Tau dak aku bukak durian tuh pki pe? multipurpose swiss knife yg kt ateh tu laaa.. heheh!! aku bli dgn harge rm5 SAHAJE!!
Lpas mkn2 tuh, round2, dlm kul 1pagi btolak balik ke umh.. smpi ade laa 1 lbih kut.. msok umh tu, aku trus blari ke bilik n mlompat ateh katil... bubu cakap, dia nmpak ayah anis mgintai dpd tingkap bilik atas.. tp aku x prasan, so aku diam j laa.. marah gamaknye pakcik tuh! hehehe.. lpas ni x bg dtg dh laaa tuh! haha!! Aku tros tdo sbb dh ltih bjalan n bwat lawak j.. dorg 3org lak bkumpul kt bilik anis sambil kire coklat yg beli siang tu cukop ke idak.. Pagi esoknye plan kul8 nk kua p mandimande.. Anis ckp nk bwk p pntai TENGKORAK.. haha name yg aneh!!
Esoknye, kul 10.30 aku bgn, dorg sume tgh tgk ben10 kt dpan tv... aku tnye, nape x kejut.. dorg ckp dh kejut tp aku x bgn.. so sbb dh lewat cmni, matahari dh naik.. kami x jd p mandi mande..
Aktiviti sterusnye.. SHOPPING lagi! heheh!!
kalo x nampak, kite kasik close-up sket..
lpas shopping tuh, dlm kul 3 balik umh... siap2 sume, mandi, solat, kire2 duit, adele dlm rm200 kot habis kt sne.. heheh!!
borosnye aku... bli coklat j yg bnyk pon.. kul4 kua ke jetty point.. ktorg kua sndri j 4 org sbb parents anis ade event ktne tah..
dh smpi tu, anis park kete n tinggalkn kunci kt dlm kete..?
anis ckp xpe.. mmg die biase wt cm2.. nnti kmudian ayah die dtg laa ngn mak die p amek kete tuh... sbb 2 die tgglkn kunci dlm kete... owhhh...kate kami semua trnganga.. heheh!!
Naik ferry,trun kt kota kuala muda.. amek teksi ke shahab prdana, then amek bus ke b'worth..dpd b'worth, RED amek dgn kete bliau n mghantar kami smue ke tmpat asal masing2.. hhehehe..
dlm kul 8 gak laa bu smpi uitm..
trus aku amek buku cost control, study sambil menaip post neh hahaha!!
gile kentang esok test!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Macam2 > Reza
Malang nyer......asal??spek mte yg byk b'jasa kt die...da PECAH!huhuhuh....
Bpk cian tgk die....kiteowg dpn mte pn die xnmpk....
Pe ag,msng2 dok nyakat die....hehehe...sorry bun...
Kami2 jgk yg bwt...agk2 antre "KAMI"....spe la ye......
Monday, February 9, 2009

ne kitowg time LIBK duluu..kat UiTM Kedah.
yang bwh 2,kiri sekali yg cam macho 2,nama nye Abul atau nama pnuh die hasbullah,dan yang
tdung puteh 2,kak ain komander pengiring kitowg.
Bwh- bertemakn 3G
Sume b'mle ngn KOMANDER.......Kami ulang....KOmander...
Dr ctu la kami jd smkn rpt n smkn lme kami ibrt adik-brdk.....
This is "KAMI"